To save you all the effort and energy I will list all of the errors I made in getting stuck then getting unstuck.
What I did wrong:
- Picked a bad line
- Tried to get unstuck before engaging the lockers
- Did not have a tree strap
- Should not have attached the rope to itself(See #3)
- Did not have a snatch block
- Did not loop the winch rope through #3 and back to my rock rails to avoid the tear in my soft top.
- Gashed the doors on the passenger side getting stuck.(See pics below) Carnage was done before recovery.
- Procrastinated purchasing #3 & #5 and didn't have them when I needed them
What I did do right:
- Put and X-Bull 13K lbs Winch on the Blue Burro
- Got unstuck
- Didn't finish wheels up
- Didn't die
- Purchased tree strap
- Purchased snatch block